GRAM Booth at Genesis X 2024: Our Journey from Dream to Global Product

GRAM Booth at Genesis X 2024: Our Journey from Dream to Global Product

GRAM booth at Genesis X 2024


Hey folks, BRUISES here, co-founder and the creative mind behind GRAM Digital Controllers. If you've landed here, I finally finished putting our journey to the Genesis X event in San Jose, California into a blog! This event is a true tale of blood, sweat and tears. This event was much more than gaming; it was full of creation, the grind, and ultimately having a blast with fellow friends. So, let's dive in!



The Road to Genesis X: A Rollercoaster Ride

About nine months ago, Grammy and I decided to take a shot at being vendors at Genesis X. The waiting was torturous! We didn't get the green light until a month before the event. Imagine us scrambling - ordering parts, brainstorming our 'Temptation' design inspired by the ouroboros and the Garden of Eden theme.

But we were all in, doubling our inventory with the launch of our FGC (Fighting Game Controller) alongside our GRAM Slim Smash models.

Blood, Sweat, and Gears

Prepping for this massive event was wild. Outside our 9-5 jobs, our shop became more than just a second home. Our hands were wrecked - switching and assembling hundreds of controllers is no joke. But that physical toll was proof that we were committed. Everything else in our lives took a backseat, but we pulled it off. From marketing materials to the controllers themselves, everything made its way to California, ready for the big show.

San Jose, You've Been Amazing!

Landing in San Jose, the cold, rainy weather was a refreshing welcome. The vibe was just... perfect. Setting up our 10x20 booth felt like solving a giant puzzle. Big props to the TOs and venue organizers - their support was invaluable. Our booth, strategically placed right by the entrance, was buzzing from the get-go.

Sold Out! What a Feeling

Our Brook Wingman adapters flew off the shelves on day one. Note to self: bring more next time.

GRAM Slim SMASH Temptation in White

The Temptation in White Smash controllers? Gone.

By the end of day two, we were down to a few FGC controllers and Smash controllers.

nanoGRAM controller

And our nanoGRAMs? A surprise hit, even outside our usual crowd.

Despite the exhaustion, the camaraderie among vendors and attendees was palpable! I might have been too wiped to socialize after hours, but there's always next time. Grammy, on the other hand, pushed himself far beyond his limits to be with friends and it was great hearing all the stories from the night before!

Genesis X: Until Next Time

Reflecting on the Genesis X event, it's been nothing short of epic. The hard work, the community, the vibe - it’s been a blast. Massive thanks to everyone who made it possible. Genesis, you've been a dream. Here’s to next year - bigger, bolder, and even more badass.



With love ♥, 
GRAM Digital Controllers
Author: Nik Cupps (@BRUISES)
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